Tuesday, February 16, 2010


What can I say about the consultant obstetritian/gaenocologyst to say that she inspires confidence is to understate the case, infact only saying that I understate the case in to understate the understatement. If this woman said that she'd lead me to the promised land; I'd follow, and I'm talkin about the old fashioned way!!! The contractions are getting a little closer together and more regular, it shouldn't be long until she is officially in "labour"(labor for our american friends). Better get back in...........


  1. Hey Leslie, I like your art work. Nice job.

    Hopefully by the next post, Zak will be saying IT'S A HEALTHY BABY _______ (fill in blank).

  2. Tell Pancake to hurry up already!! LOL Also glad to hear you've got an OB/GYN who knows what she's doing. Post again soon, please. And don't forget to take loads of pictures. We are so excited for you guys!! xoxoxo

    P.S. To virago-1, I'm filling in the blank for a healthy baby GIRL. :o)

  3. Ooooo, I love that name! That's not one I'd thought of before. Got any good ones just in case it's a boy? :o)

  4. Hey Leslie, they like these names. Gotta go with the flow :-)
