Monday, February 15, 2010

Back on the unit

Got back and the duty midwife filled me in on what was going on. Although we weren't expecting any developments until tomorrow it appears that mother nature (and Pancake) have other ideas. As a result they have now removed from Leslie the initial hormone treatment, broke her waters, administered an epideural on drip (which Leslie is happy about) and started the hormone treatment that will start the contractions. I must say for me this is reminiscent of my old proffession, a lot of hurry up and wait! Still the medical staff were impressed by how quickly I got to the hospital. Oh! By the way for my american friends who were confused about the latest working title, is shrove tuesday,...commonly known as pancake day in old Blighty! All for now.....


  1. Thank God for Dr. Robert Hingson. Epidurals are awesome! LOL Glad to hear things are moving along but would you please tell Leslie and Pancake to hurry up? Give them both all of our best wishes and lots of hugs.

    We think Pancake is a girl and suggest the names Chloe, Isabella or Emma. Just remember not to use these names if Pancake is a boy or he might get beaten up when he goes to school! LOL

  2. Jolly good luck chaps! Nerys, Clara and myself are all rooting for you. Let us know what you need when Pancake arrives and you have your hands full. I suggest tissues - you may leak opthalmicly, soldier... NMc XXX

  3. Happy Shrove Day ... Great day for a Baby.

    I now have a hankering for some pancakes. Off to breakfast.

  4. If this baby is born today, I promise to go to IHOP for dinner tonight in honor of him/her. They are serving up the "endless pancakes" special.
