Tuesday, February 16, 2010

getting on a bit of a trot now.....

I think the stork is getting nearer.....Leslie has been doing really well practicing but can't feel the need to push. They took a little blood from the scalp of Pancake to test which came back all good. Miss O'Mahoney is letting Leslie relax for another 20 minutes or so whilst the epideural is eased down so she feels the need to push. It looks more that likely that Pancake is taking the traditional route rather than "the sunroof".....there may be the need for an assisted birth although this is yet to be decided.....


  1. Baby has been given the all clear .... time to bring Z Peanut xx in for a landing ....

  2. Note from Nanny Lucille ... I've been following this blog all day and want to add to it but I can't post to it.

    Nanny's Note to Z Peanut xx .... OK, enough lying around. It's time to make your grand entrance. Leslie and Zak, it's time to have a chat with that child. It's never too early to start teaching them right.

    And for those who know Nanny G, they know that she isn't fooling around. The order has been given!!!

    But seriously ... Leslie and Zak, mom wants to post but she doesn't have an account to do it with. She wants you to know that she is praying that everything is going as smoothly as can be expected and can't wait to get the call. :-)

    Bundles of joy be it girl or boy!!!

  3. C'mon Pancake!! We can't take much more of the suspense!!! xoxo

  4. Really pleased everything is going so well. Look forward to seeing you all soon

  5. Well, no updates for an hour and a half. It must mean things are really moving along!!! Fingers crossed!

  6. Still no Pancake??? :o( Hurry up, Pancake, we're waiting. :o)
