Thursday, February 18, 2010

the breastmilk nazi

Got in this morning and Leslie had no sleep at all last night and has partially admited defeat in the nursing stakes. Now I'm all for mother's nursing their children and I understand how an award from the WHO for promoting nursing is indeed a prostigious acolade for a maternity department of a hospital. This does not however excuse one certain midife whom shall be known from herein as "the breastmilk nazi"(for our British viewers this is a refeence to a famous episode of Sienfeld) from making Leslie feel bad.about the situation. A little blip on an otherwise unimpeachable birth. One thing I have learnt from holding my daughter is an overwhelming sense of peace I just know that the small stuff ain't worth worrying about. The opinion of one "breastmilk nazi" just doesn't amount to much, no matter how well intentioned. Leslie and pancake should be coming home today, so I'm pretty excited! I apologise for the dearth of new photo's and video lately on the blog, I intend to appease all you Pancake hungry fiends soon! All for now.....


  1. Glad to hear that both mommy and Pancake are able to come home today. You've both got to be so excited. Too bad Leslie didn't get much sleep last night, but I guess that was a precursor for what's to come. Can't wait for the pictures of Pancake decked out in one of her beautiful outfits. What's her official name (although she'll always be Pancake to me)?

  2. Have left a voice mail message for you guys about the whole breastfeeding thing. PLEASE tell Leslie not to worry about it!!! Breastfeeding is one of those things that is not as easy as people seem to think. There is way too much pressure placed on new moms to breastfeed. Midwives & nurses who take part in the Breastfeeding Nazi Regime should be shot.LOL

    It's sooooo not worth beating yourself up over. Besides, Pancake has already gotten the best part of the milk she needs (colostrum) which is the first bit of milk that comes in, so tell Nurse Cratchett to stick it!

    Love to all three of you,


  3. Congratulations guys! We are so pleased for you that little pancake is here! Sounds like Leslie has been an absolute hero too. Apparently Andrea looked after you guys on the Monday night/Tuesday morning and she sends her love too and is so pleased for you.
    Try not to get stressed about the whole feeding thing. I hope that Leslie doesn't have to see that horrible mw again. If Leslie would like any help or anything just give me a bell anytime. 07826 5286465. Whatever her decions are at least she's got a supportive and chilled husband to get her through the hormonal next few days!.. and you're right pancake will appreciate this too, it's amazing how meditative newborns expressions look!
    Laura, Adam and Rowan

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Leslie. Don't beat yourself up over this breastfeeding stuff. I hear from all the experienced moms here at work that breastfeeding is overrated. Go with the bottles.

  6. Leslie, I know you're busy but please call your mother.
