Monday, February 15, 2010


Just took a walk with Leslie over to the hospital shop where we purchased a paper and then to the resteraunt. Despite the artificial nature of the building the food is reasonable and they have "real" coffee. Leslie treated herself to macaroni and cheese and I to a medium americano, nothing doing yet, I know what you must be thinking....this is tedious...I can't help thinking so myself....makes me think about the film Zulu, can't think of the actors name but the character was a scared young man who in a lull in the battle said "why me colours!"(meaning color sergeant to our american friends) only to be met with the reply "coz you're 'ere lad." mmmmmmm, is it more than a little coincidental that the ward sister bears a striking resemlence to said non-commisioned officer?


  1. Well, with that said, thanks for keeping us posted. Can't wait to hear the ending :-)

    Baby "G"?????

  2. fink ur time zones out.
    glad its going to plan
    will you make last orders :?

  3. The burning question is.....


    Good luck to mum and dad!

  4. Hi Zak, thanks so much for setting this up and keeping us posted. Thinking of you both and the lovely little person you will soon get to meet. Lots of love, Dela

  5. hello!!!
    i didn't realise that THE day was already here...
    good luck with all the patience you both have you endure....
    hope to hear from you soon

    Good luck for then new parents

  6. Hi Zak,

    I left you a voicemail message. Hope all is going well!! Be sure to post photos of the baby when he/she arrives. I'll be up late checking for updates!! :o)

  7. Ha ha does this colours come with the regimental tash and a chest you could bounce girders off?? Sardonic Friday night humour at its best!
